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[3분논문] 제23회 - 발광 실리콘 나노선 본문
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# 논문표지
# 간단한 정보
글쓴이: Chang-Hee Cho, Carlos O. Aspetti, Joohee Park & Ritesh Agarwal
제목: Silicon coupled with plasmon nanocavities generates bright visible hot luminescence
학술지: Nature Photonics
발행년월: 2013년 3월
# 용어
- hot luminescence: 뜨거운 발광. 전도띠에 있는 전자가
포논과 결합하여 열로 바뀌기 전에 원자가띠로 떨어지면서 빛을 내는 것.
# 발췌
Here, we demonstrate visible light emission with high internal quantum yield (.1%) at room temperature from ‘bulk-sized’ (no quantum-confinement) silicon integrated with a plasmonic nano-cavity, via the Purcell enhancement effect.
# 그림
Figure 1: Hot luminescence from silicon coupled to a plasmon nanocavity.
a, Schematic of the electronic band diagram of bulk crystalline silicon, illustrating phonon-assisted hot luminescence processes before thermalization of the carriers to the minimum of the conduction band near the X-point. b, Schematic of an Ω-shaped plasmonic nanocavity-coupled silicon nanowire device. c, Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of the fabricated device. d,e, Optical images of a single-plasmonic silicon nanowire device obtained through the glass substrate under white light (d) and focused laser excitation (e). f, Magenta: room-temperature photoluminescence spectra from a single silicon nanowire device coupled with aΩ-shaped cavity (100 nm silver film) with a silicon nanowire diameter of d = 65 nm. Blue: spectrum of a 5 nm SiO2-coated single silicon nanowire without a plasmonic cavity (d = 60 nm), showing that there are no observable photon counts without the plasmonic cavity.
# 결론
실리콘에서 빛이 나게 만들었다는 점에서 의미가 매우 크다. 플라즈몬 효과를 이용해 빛이 나게 만들었다.
# 덧붙여
이 논문을 소개하는 News & Views 글도 Nature Photonics의 같은 권, 같은 호에 실려있다. 간단한 요약을 보고 싶다면 News & Views 글을 읽는 것도 좋다.
글쓴이: Masayuki Fujita
제목: Nanocavity brightens silicon
학술지: Nature Photonics
발행년월: 2013년 4월
2013년 4월 3일
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