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[3분논문] 제24회 - 실리콘 나노선 플라즈몬 도파로 본문
황용섭의 3분논문 제24회입니다.
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팟캐스트 검색: "3분논문"
팟캐스트 주소: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/3bunnonmun/id568397433
# 논문표지
These plasmonic waveguides with highly smooth surfaces, fabricated through a bottom-up approach, represent a meaningful step toward the demonstration of an ultracompact subwavelength-scale plasmonic integrated circuit.
We propose and demonstrate a subwavelength plasmonic waveguide that takes full advantage of the unique properties of the two aforementioned plasmonic waveguides.
Fig. 1. Schematic of a metal-coated Si NW plasmonic waveguide.
Fig. 2. (a) SEM image of a fabricated plasmonic waveguide. The waveguide length is 29.1 um. The scale bar is 5 um. (b) Magnified SEM image of one end of the plasmonic waveguide. The NW diameter is ~80 nm, and the thicknesses of silver and gold are 450 and 50 nm, respectively. The scale bar is 200 nm. (c) TEM image of the cross section of the waveguide. The scale bar is 20 nm.
Fig. 3. Images captured using an IR camera. (a) An input laser beam with a spot size of ~2.1 um and a wavelength of 1310 nm was incident to the plasmonic waveguide. The dashed line indicates the Si NW. The scale bar is 5 um. (b) Output emission spot was observed (white ellipse) when the TM-polarized laser beam was incident with a power P0 = 0.490 mW. (c) Output emission beam was weakly observed (white ellipse) when the TE-polarized laser beam with the same power as that in (b) was incident. (d) Output emission beam was observed (white ellipse) when the power of the TE-polarized laser beam was increased 2.2 times. The beam size of the input laser is all identical in (a)-(d).
# 결론
화학적으로 합성한 실리콘 나노선에 은을 덮어서 파장인 1310nm보다 훨씬 작은 지름(80nm)을 가지는 도파로를 통해 표면 플라즈몬이 도파됨을 관측하는 데 성공하였다. 도파길이를 실험적으로 측정하였고, FDTD 전산모사를 통해 비교분석하였다. 도파모드의 모드넓이도 계산하여서 매우 작음을 보였다. 매우 매끄러운 표면을 가지는 표면플라즈몬 도파로의 제작에 성공하고 도파 특성을 분석함으로써 나노포토닉스 분야에 의미있는 진보를 이루었다고 볼 수 있다.
2013년 4월 9일
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