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[자작동화] 예랑이 베개맡 이야기: Secret Kingdom - 8화 Diamond Wings 2 본문
예랑이 베개맡 이야기: Secret Kingdom - 8화 Diamond Wings 2
mp3 파일 내려받기 (용량이 커서 내려받아 들어야합니다. 38MB)
mp3 공유가 번거로워서 동영상으로도 만들어 공유합니다.
2015년 10월 11일 밤
잠들기 전 예랑이가 아빠에게 들려 준 베게맡 이야기
8화가 드디어 도착했습니다. 7화까지의 이야기를 간단하게 요약하면서 시작합니다. 1, 2화는 에메랄드였고, 3~6화는 사파이어입니다. 에메랄드, 사파이어, 다이아몬드, 루비의 네 가지 보물을 모두 모아야 한답니다. 지난화부터 시작된 세 번째 보석인 다이아몬드를 찾는 Diamond Wings 이야기가 이어집니다.
지난 이야기 듣기
1화 Secret Kingdom - Emerald Forest 1
2화 Secret Kingdom - Emerald Forest 2
3화 Secret Kingdom - Sapphire Spell 1
4화 Secret Kingdom - Sapphire Spell 2
5화 Secret Kingdom - Sapphire Spell 3
예랑이가 요즘 읽고 있는 Rosie Banks 작가의 Secret Kingdom에서 등장인물과 설정을 가져온 이야기랍니다. (예랑이가 요즘 읽는 책) 하지만 내용은 완전히 달라요.
세 소녀: Jasmine, Ellie, Summer
왕족: King Merry, Queen Malice
픽시: Trixi, the royal Pixie
이렇게 네 권입니다. Emerald Unicorn, Sapphire Spell, Diamond Wings, Ruby Riddle. 첫번째 보석인 에메랄드 이야기 제목은 원래 책은 Emerald Unicorn인데, 예랑이 이야기의 제목은 Emerald Forest입니다.
이번 이야기에는 초대손님이 있답니다. 곰인형인데요 이름이 Record Listener and Checking Teddy Professor 랍니다. 길죠? 옆에는 토토로도 보이네요. 함께 있는 예쁜 어린이는 물론 우리의 이야기꾼 황예랑 어린이입니다.
[초대손님 소개]
Diamond Wings Number, I mean Record 2. Today we have a new visitor. (Daddy: New visitor?) Oh!
(Daddy: Oh!) He came to see if our record was good enough for everyone else to hear. He'll ask some questions in the middle. (Daddy: Hello? Can you introduce Beau to the listeners?) OK. Beau is a teddy. He's not just any teddy. He's a profes... He's a teddy professor. (Daddy: Teddy professor.) I mean, I don't mean that. It's something longer. Can you tell me your name? (Teddy: I'm Record Listener and Checking Teddy Professor.) (Daddy: Haha.) (Teddy: Why are you laughing?) (Daddy: 'Cause that's very long name.) (Teddy: Aye. Don't try copying my voice.) (Daddy: I see.)
[지난이야기 요약]
King Merry was in Prison. (Teddy: What? There is no prisoner called King Merry in our kingdom.) Oh, no no no Teddy professor. It's about the Secret Kingdom. It's just a story. (Teddy: OK. So you mean this is non-fiction, I mean, fiction.) Yes, this is fiction. Not non-fiction. (Teddy: OK.) And he was locked in Thunder Castle. And Storm Sprites, they have face like us, but their hairs are rising up, and they are very black and their wings are like bats. OK? And they come to check what is King Merry doing. 'Cause he might be trying to escape with his magic. Which wouldn't work. But he might use an old-fashioned way. A clip. (Daddy: Clip?) Uh-huh. A paper clip.
The girls are looking for the third one, right now. So, do you reckon we should go to the book now? (Daddy: Yeah. I think that's enough for summary. Thank you.) Oh, yeah. OK.
[앞부분 (10분 0초)]
The girls looked around. But they thought only found a problem. Whatever going to be a problem it was? Something black was in the sky. The girls noticed it at once.
"Was it? It's Queen Malice! How to close that door? I mean, how to close that hole?"
"I don't know. Get some dirt." One horse said.
"Oh, don't listen to him. He's kind of young and he doesn't know a lot of things yet."
"Was this? (??) Ready for your magic?"
All the horses started fluffing their wings. And suddenly some feathers came up. And those feathers rose up. And then, pop, the first few layers of feathers turned into sand and then the rest turned into stick and hold it, the hole. As long as no one drops a dynamite over it, it won't be spotted. Or a bomb.
[중간 부분 1. (30분 50초)]
Well, So... Then they started putting the sticks back in again. And then, when the last grain of the sand falls, they're ready. After two minutes. Just after two minutes. What do you think? (Daddy: Oh, they did very well.) Yep. 'Cause there are about twenty horses. Twenty-three. Twenty horses, (Daddy: plus three girls.) That makes twenty-three. There're really, much people there.
[중간 부분 2. (38분 3초)]
And he said, "I've got a plan. Why don't you chase Queen Malice out of this land to your land."
That was a crazy idea. None of them tried that before. But it needed a really strong magic. So, they flipped the pages, and they saw it. A magic to send someone. And they changed a bit of it.
Our quest isn't complete.
So make it done.
Send Queen Malice to our home.
Three, two, one.
[마지막 부분]
And what do you think about this, Record Teddy Professor? (Teddy: Oh, this is good enough. And I can give you a permission.) (Daddy: Permission. Yeah!) (Teddy: Well, before that, you just have to fill out few forms. Like where are you going... Why are you using this and what are you using this for and who you are.) But we did that already! (Teddy: Here, your file. OK. OK, OK. You can really have a permission. I have to go to another recording place. And one thing. Are you sure it's fiction?) Yes, it is. OK, Bye. OK. Bye to the people who are listening. Bye~. Hear you next time. I mean, listen to me next time.
초대손님까지 등장해서 더 재밌었네요. 아직 다이아몬드는 못 찾았어요. 다음에는 찾을 수 있을까요? 날개달린 말들과 함께 작전을 펼치는 세 소녀의 모험을 기대해주세요.
'예랑이의 일기' 카테고리의 다른 글
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