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[3분논문] 제28회 - 전기구동 나노빔 레이저 본문
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# 논문표지
# 간단한 정보
글쓴이: Kwang-Yong Jeong, You-Shin No, Yongsop Hwang, Ki Soo Kim,
Min-Kyo Seo, Hong-Gyu Park and Yong-Hee Lee
제목: Electrically driven nanobeam laser
학술지: Nature Communications
발행년월: 2013년 11월
# 용어
- nanobeam: 나노빔
1차원 광자결정구조. 2차원 슬랩형태로 제작되어오던 광자결정을 1차원으로 변형한 것. 직선의 막대기모양에 공기구멍을 주기적으로 뚫은 것이 대표적이다.
# 발췌
In this article, we demonstrate an electrically driven, photonic-well, metal-free, 1D nanobeam laser whose physical footprint approaches the smallest possible.
In summary, we demonstrated an electrically driven, photonic well 1D nanobeam laser with a footprint approaching the smallest possible value achievable from metal-free cavities.
# 그림
Figure 2: Electrically driven photonic well nanobeam laser.
(a) Schematic diagram of an electrically driven nanobeam laser. (b) Schematic diagram showing the injection of electrons and holes into the nanobeam cavity. An n-i-p slab structure including three InGaAsP QWs is used. (c) Top-view SEM image of a fabricated nanobeam structure. Only 11 air holes are used to achieve lasing. (d) Magnified top-view SEM image of (c). One can see the post underneath the slab at a high SEM voltage. (e) Tilted-view SEM image of the nanobeam structure. The scale bars in c–e are all 1 μm. (f) Measured output power (red circles) and linewidth (blue triangles) as a function of injected peak current. The lasing threshold is ~65 μA. The inset shows an above-threshold lasing spectrum. Single-mode lasing is observed at a wavelength of 1,556 nm.
Figure 3: Lasing mode profile of the photonic well nanobeam laser.
(a) Lasing mode profile captured by an infrared camera. (b) Calculated vertical component of time-averaged Poynting vector distribution at a position 3.6 μm above the slab, which represents those propagating photons that have escaped from the bound mode shown in (c). The scale bars in (a,b) are 1 μm. (c) Top and side views of the calculated mode profile of log |E|2. The SEM image of Fig. 2c is used for this simulation. The resonant wavelength of the mode is 1,588 nm.
물리적으로 매우 작은 크기의 전기로 구동되는 레이저를 금속을 사용하지 않고 구현하였다는 점에서 의미가 크다. 문턱전류값도 매우 낮다는 것이 특징이다.
2013년 11월 25일
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