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# 논문표지
# 간단한 정보
글쓴이: Koo Hyun Nam, Il H. Park, and Seung Hwan Ko
제목: Patterning by controlled cracking
학술지: Nature
발행년월: 2012년 5월
# 용어
- Notch: 뾰족한 모양. 쐐기, 송곳 같은 모양.
- Crack: 금. 갈라진 모양
# 발췌
Here we demonstrate the controlled initiation, propagation and termination of a variety of channelled crack patterns...
# 그림
Figure 1: Crack control.
a, Optical and electron micrographs of oscillating crack initiation from micro-notches in a Si3N4 thin film deposited on (100) silicon. b, Left to right: an oscillating crack initiated from a micro-notch; a straight crack initiated from a micro-notch; and a stitchlike crack showing orderly bifurcated cracking with non-propagating branches. c, Schematic diagrams of each type of crack. Yellow, Si3N4 thin film; cyan, SiO2 interlayer; blue, silicon wafer. d, Electron micrographs of cracks of different types and widths. The straight crack propagating vertically in the figure has much a smaller width than the oscillating crack running horizontally. e, Precise manipulation of oscillating cracks with crack notches to write the word ‘NATURE’.
Figure 3: Crack refraction.
a, Cracks running through a Si3N4 film on a SiO2 interlayer tend to propagate straight in the <100> direction, whereas oscillating cracks run in the <110> direction. (See also Supplementary Fig. 4). When a crack passes across the interface between two different underlying configurations (shown in the schematic cross-section below), the crack trajectory kinks, until it attains the propagation direction appropriate to the configuration of the region through which it is then travelling. Two such ‘transition regions’ are highlighted in red and blue.
Figure 4: Crack termination.
a, Unsuccessful crack arrest. A box structure (green colour) intended for crack arrest is built using a one-step structure generated by conventional lithography. On the conformably deposited cracking layer, all cracks pass through the one-step structure (shown in cross-section in the electron micrograph at right) without stopping. b, Successful crack arrest. The same box structure, but with a multi-step edge fabricated by our new technique of diffraction-induced stairing lithography (DISL; Supplementary Fig. 2). In this case, all cracks terminate when they encounter the box structure (shown in cross-section in the electron micrograph at left).
# 결론
금(crack)을 긋기 시작하고 싶은 곳에는 뾰족한 모양의 결함(notch)를 주고 금을 멈추고 싶은 곳에는 계단모양의 층을 쌓거나 다른 결함을 주어, 원하는 모양의 금을 그을 수 있다. 물결모양이나 곧은선 모양의 금도 그을 수 있고, 글씨도 쓸 수 있다. 금의 진행방향을 꺾을 수도 있다. 단순히 금이 가기만 한다면 그게 무슨 재미가 있겠는가. 금 가는 것을 이리저리 마음대로 조절할 수 있기 때문에 재미있는 논문이 되었다. 다만, 결정방향이나 물질에 제한을 받는 것이 조금 아쉬운 점이라 하겠다.
2012년 5월 23일
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